Christian Tony Norum
Diary of a mad man
25.11. – 16.12.2023Diary of a mad man, 2023 Installation view Diary of a mad man, 2023 Installation view Diary of a mad man, 2023 Installation view Diary of a mad man, 2023 Installation view Diary of a mad man, 2023 Installation view Diary of a mad man, 2023 Installation view Diary of a mad man, 2023 Installation view Diary of a mad man, 2023 Installation view Diary of a mad man, 2023 Installation view Diary of a mad man, 2023 Installation view Diary of a mad man, 2023 Installation view
Diary of a mad man can be anything, the truthful version, the copy cat, the dog that ate your identity, or the music of a hero, or simply the father of prose realism.
The sad mankind, the wars, rich peoples crimes, genocide, killings, poverty, deep pockets, the world spins around, power, money lies, and for the last dessert we have love and empathy.
In all the richness of expensive artefacts and desires, pick a plot you madman, sketching a barbarian, here comes two crazy guys. Living now with a story from the past, and blank pages flying into the history of the future, eating an academic text healing. Filling the tiny holes of humanity and ground work, the personal life story, the philosophy of existence, post structural and modernistic not, only offering everything to the table spot, giving it all in first person narrative, an installation of a 3d book sedative of occult poetry and visuals. Soul searching in the findings, communication, here we come, one with an urge to find his roots and his half DNA in Bulgarian ancestry and family tree, the other guy with a lust for art and not on vacation, maybe we have a goal, closure and stature.
To have a great time in the madness of slaughter, laughter and cry for the nature of scrutiny. The animalistic eye stairs back at human necessity at every mistake, takes a move, no religion can help wondering about objects, hints, talks, the silent word games of colour and ripp outs and deep diving layers and time consuming dear devils treasure. Documenting non linear cords written down in bodily remarks and chores and tones, the collage of prism. The curtain of reality kicks in the possibilities of a non win, spit shine the boots with a branch of non ism, in hand to a wordy melting metal cuffs out of the fine place we build a skeleton of human dictionary atlas. I'm not biting the doves head, only giving positivity and hope for art and life like an open book showing guts of sightings and hopefully a good conversation.
You have to dig and find out your selves what to think about it….critical thinking is good for the burden.
For me it's dead serious and funny, gallows humour at the same time. Reflections in the mirror on a big scale, small details of the hidden language, sensitive storyboards, nothingness and the loser with the yellow teeth with a blink of a caveman, talking to an oracle in the future synergies.
We are grateful, humble, and have lived a life on the edge, in the middle and on the outskirts , like a roller coaster heavy metal train, nothing to gain, only insane canny pain.
So the sorrow of the world under the skin
What to say about this world, not that much
the shit packed in to Melting metal strings
All the colours blend in to the light blue
Fingers scream with the fatigue touch with rhythm shoe
Words from the gut, the inner voice of death chamber waiting
Born of ancestor fucks in raw they do
Societies memory storage broken love and soken straw of chemicals go
Hierarchies and modernisation jokes no spot for different hood scores
Break out with a robbery of sanity and chemistry crazy doctor
Skeleton of humanity the hidden language doors broke
Bombs derived power hitting kids and women and old
Burning borders cold prisoners of freedom and responsibility night caller
The good is taken over by demons powerful like a melting pot with bones and numbers and isolation witchery
Gravity holding and spinning in the universe of dust and gas attached
cold and hot polarisations the middles and drains old spirits of death
Neutralising natures harsh system of connected entities and prince of darkness
have no chance to litt up all the dark matter you have to believe in yourself
take the life back with a linguist nose bone with a teaspoon, fork his brain and slurp it up.
From the caves, winter hunters, farmers with good intentions give house warm
unite to take down the big beast of war machines, buttons and orders of rocket dealers and mines fighting against knowledge hands, uppercuts and takedowns of torture and tears and grief, loose lims and countries and colonisation history brainwash. money talks , mafia, religion you have the freedom to think for yourself and stand where you want.
The biggest criminal is the companies with deep pockets with trust funds and elite secret presidents murderers and gate keepers. Tax paradise
Living on the street makes a human setting the equations not that right, the rich man on his high horse whipping the working classes back in the coffin raping and abuse.
We don’t know any better than we don’t need that much to laugh gallows humour and a late night out in delirium of alcohol and substances smile and blindfolded kidnappings of souls
Real feelings, scars of flesh hold memories of pts and happy places to bear the pain.
But we are interesting cool people, we know the value of friendship, backup and holding hopes up for future generations' kids and helping out, lets meet at the gatherings of natures eyes staring back at you in the beauty of a lover
The dance of life the words of time music for the understanding
Cells and continuity of building blocks and nervesystem pop. The blue circle spinning in the black sounds that we can not hear stars, planets and unknown territory oceans and forests make love to the stank of human intercourse. The force of evil will hit you from the bunk beds and the theater of the power structures leaders of the atom that can destroy us, it has always been here and will prosper.
Flashlights float through alphabets, crushing heating polar ice, body atlas, forms shapes, details architecture squares and mountains graveyard fires of our hearts and spikes. -Ch.TN
Christian T. Norum(1980), has a MA degree from the Art academy in Oslo, and has exhibited and performed at institutions and galleries like The Munch Museum in Oslo, Kunstnerforbundet Oslo, Kunstforeningen GLStrand (Copenhagen), Manifesta 11. Zurich, Gallery K (Oslo), UKS, young artist society (Oslo), Papay Gyro Nights Art Festival (Papay Westray, Orkney Islands and Cattle Depot Artist Village, Hong Kong), Kunsthall Oslo, The National Autumn Exhibition at Oslo S (Oslo), Munch’s Ekely (Oslo), Kittelsens House/ 1857 gallery (Hvitsten/Oslo/Roma/Zurich), Oslo Kunstforening (Oslo), House of Artists (Oslo), Berlin biennale, National gallery of Oslo, The National museum Of Contemporary Art (Oslo), NoPlace (Oslo), Malmö Konsthall (Malmö), MACRO Museum/ curated by Kaleidoscope Magazine,Roma Contemporary Arena. Macro Museum, Macro Testaccio, (Roma), MOMA PS1 (New York), Tidens Krav (Oslo), 18th street Art Center (LA) and Gavu Cheb Museum (Praha), Kunstverein St. Pauli Hamburg, Prague quadrenniale (Praha), Trønderlag senter for samtidskunst(Trondheim), Norum is represented by Gallery K (Oslo).
The exhibition is supported by Tequila Bar Fnky Mnky.