Mikael Lo Presti
It Flakes and it Fades
29.04. – 21.05.2023Tapestry/Chair, 2022 Oil on canvas 85x200cm Tapestry/Chair, 2022 Oil on canvas 85x200cm It Flakes and it Fades, 2023 Installation view Pink Chair, 2023 Mixed media on paper 30x40cm Dog/Chair, 2023 Mixed media 30x40cm It Flakes and it Fades, 2023 Installation view Orange/Peel, 2023 Oil on canvas 21x21cm It Flakes and it Fades, 2023 Installation view Text Message, 2022 Oil on canvas 70x100cm Brown Chair, 2023 Mixed media 30x40cm
My favorite chair is occupied. I love that chair. I’m watching another person enjoying my favorite chair outside my favorite bar. This chair has been there for as long as I remember. It’s one of those plastic, sun-bleached, happy-camper chairs. My love for that chair might also be because of its location. From that point of view, you see those beautiful faraway mountains between two buildings covered in flowers and ivy. It would be strange to see that chair relocated. It’s still a good chair, regardless of the view. The view is also amazing regardless of any chair.
That chair only fulfills its destiny when it's hot. When it's cold, it's stacked away with all the other chairs in storage. When hot, there are so many people occupying that chair. Including outsiders, oblivious to the local importance of that chair. It’s been through brawls, chess games, love affairs, and whatnot. Cuts and scars build character. Not sure why the bartender has not changed the chair for a better one. It’s not outstandingly beautiful, and it barely functions as a chair. The contradictions this chair imposes on me make me want to sit on it. - Lars Nordby
Mikael Lo Presti (b. 1989, Södra Sandby, Sweden) lives and works in Stockholm. He graduated from Oslo Art Academy in 2015 and participated in the Independent Study Programme, at Maumaus, Lisbon, in 2017. Recent exhibitions include “Dancing moths, Running dogs and Sun-dried cloth”, STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo; “One Plus One,” STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo; Condo, Bureau, New York; “Echoes of the Street Vendors,” STANDARD (OSLO), Oslo; Tegnebiennalen, Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo; “Maleriets Letthet,” Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo. "Greetings from the Whereabouts," published by STANDARD (BOOKS) in 2021, is the first monograph on the work of Mikael Lo Presti and includes texts by Eivind Furnesvik, Johannes Witkowsky, and Emma Aars.
The exhibition is supported under the "Program for the Restoration and Development of Private Cultural Organizations" of the National Fund for Culture, Bulgaria. Tequila Bar Fnky Mnky also supports the exhibition.
Изложбата се осъществява с подкрепата на Tequila Bar Fnky Mnky. Изложбата е финансирана по "Програма за възстановяване и развитие на частни културни организации" на Национален Фонд Култура.